Addleshaw Goddard

Helping UK boardrooms change their tune 

Gold Winner for Best Use of Creative at B2B Marketing Awards ’24

Silver Winner for Best Enterprise Targeted Campaign at B2B Marketing Awards ’24

A highly creative, music-led campaign that used original in-house musical compositions to present a key piece of thought-leadership in a way B2B has never seen before.

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Finding the General Counsel (GC)’s voice

International law firm, Addleshaw Goddard wanted to stimulate contact with senior decision makers. To help with this challenge, they commissioned a piece of research. Though the research was game-changing, for example revealing opportunities to drive even more harmony between General Counsel (GC) and the boardroom, competition was intense, with rival firms flooding inboxes with thought-leadership. An ordinary whitepaper wasn’t going to cut it: to stand out, we needed to rewrite the B2B rulebook. 

Laying down some boardroom harmony 

Why shout when you can sing?

This uniquely creative campaign saw us compose three original songs, which were performed in London recording studios by professional musicians. The songs were all positive, focusing on the benefits of harmony between people, but written with a twist…take out the G and C notes and each song instead focused on the negatives a lack of harmony brings. In this way, the campaign gave business executives everywhere a valuable message – everything’s better with the GC.

Everything’s better with the GC

Reaching executives via Youtube and LinkedIn as well as a launch event, the songs had an instant impact, drawing attention to a number of the topics that Addleshaw Goddard’s research sets out – before then inviting VIPs to read the research for themselves. 

While the novel approach was only intended to open new conversations and connections, the communications and insights went further, helping earn 8 new pieces of client work within weeks. With glowing feedback from top General Counsel and CEOs – including “Brilliantly done!”, “Spot on!” and “Very clever” – it’s clearly a campaign that’s hit the right notes.

Behind the scenes with the creative team