Marketing is such a wide and varied industry, that there are various different personas, all with their own abilities, strengths and skills, that make up a marketing team or department. We constructed six personas, based on research by SAS to help you work out where you fit in the marketing team.
Take a journey down our flowchart quiz to find out your persona.

A traditionalist at heart, the Old School Pro will likely be from a B2B tech company and look to engage directly with customers. They favour traditional channels, such as direct mail, telemarketing and email marketing. They will be driven by numbers, but are less about personalised customer insight and more about generating lots of leads to hit targets.
The Data Whizz is a new breed of marketer that has come about in recent years thanks to the prevalence of data available to sales and marketing, and even big data. They often work for digital agencies or online retailers as they know how to crunch the numbers and shift data, but are less about branding and creative, and lack the creativity or bravery to branch out to new methods. They stick to analytics, but for this reason, avoid social media as it is not a tangible channel.
The Digital Devotee uses lots of marketing methods, including (but not limited to) online ads, search, websites, email and social media, but are always willing to experiment with new methods. Usually working in a digital agency, they will use all the latest digital tools available to help get the most out of their marketing campaigns and find creative ways to present their brand and innovative ways to serve up content.
This stands for Social, Local and Mobile: SoLoMos have their finger on the pulse of the consumer and use instant channels like social and mobile to make an impact. They operate almost entirely online and make use of real-time and location-based marketing practices, which allows for highly targeted and personalised campaigns. They will probably work for a disruptive brand or small agency and are good at making an impact with little budget.
The creative member of the marketing team will always be looking for the best way to represent the brand and is great at finding creative ways to serve up content. They may work at a creative agency or with a modern brand. Everything they do will be stylised, but they care less about numbers and statistics, more about qualitative feedback.
A master of all trades, these marketers favour digital (i.e. mobile, email, social, webinars, SEO and PPC) but also dabble in offline channels such as direct mail, events and broadcast. They will probably work in a large agency or company such as a bank or telecoms. They should beware of spreading themselves too thin, but are excellent on picking up a new trend once it has proved itself.