Out of office: The Radishes putting ‘Work From Anywhere’ to good use

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At Radish HQ, we know that happiness and fulfillment come first.

That’s why we have flexible working, personalised L&D plans and a generous home office budget. They give us the freedom to work in a way that gets the best from us. 

But there’s one benefit that really takes the cake: the ability to work not only from home, but from anywhere in the world.

And it really does mean anywhere. We’ve had people logging in across every timezone imaginable, from the southernmost depths of South America to the west coast of Australia. 

From a personal perspective, it means we’re able to stretch that trip out a little longer, see loved ones who live further afield or just spend a month working somewhere new. And on a professional level, it means we can expand our horizons, get fresh perspective and creative inspiration from different cultures – all without impacting our clients. 

How have our colleagues been making the most of one of our favourite perks?

The performer

We are big believers that when you give your employees the opportunity to embark on creative endeavors outside the agency, they bring that creativity back into what we do here. So when Creative Copywriter Jack told us he wanted to perform at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival last summer, we gladly obliged. 

Jack worked from Edinburgh, performing his show every lunch time. By shifting his hours, to start a little earlier, he could hit the stage then get back to crafting creative ideas for us. After all, who’s not going to be inspired by the world’s biggest performing arts festival?

The change of scene

If you’ve ever met our Account Manager Charlotte, you’ll know she’s a real adventurous spirit – which is why it’s no surprise that she’s made good use of our work from anywhere over the years. 

A month in Greece followed by two weeks in Argentina, and more travel around South America. What next? Antarctica? Mars? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

The home bird

It’s not only new adventures our flexible working allows us to embark on. Our Designer Dasha spent last summer back in Malta, where her partner lives and works, for a much-needed catch-up. 

She was also visited by our Studio Manager Tess, who had a whale of a time in one of Europe’s most desirable climates – it always helps to have friends in hot places!

The Parisian

Forget Emily in Paris – Marius in Paris has a much better ring to it! Our Account Manager Marius spent a cool 2 weeks last spring, clocking in from quaint coffee shops in the daytime before exploring picturesque Parisian boulevards at night. 

It certainly sounds like a great way to spend your time, in fact, how much is the Eurostar these days…?

The colleague catch-up

Our aforementioned Studio Manager Tess has made quite the habit of catching up with fellow Radishes overseas. Besides visiting Dasha over in Malta, she also took a plane over to Macedonia to meet up with our Designer Angela. 

Angela is a fully remote worker for us, so it was great for her to spend some face to face time with Tess. We’ve since all had the opportunity to get to know her better on our team trip to Portugal!

And there it is – just a few of the ways our colleagues have been enjoying their ‘work from anywhere’ freedom. If flexible working means a lot to you then maybe you’d like to join us! There are a few great roles available at the moment, so why not take a look at our careers page to see if any hit the spot?

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